Tag Archives: fall fashion

One man’s flannel, another girl’s couture.

Hola Bianca & Bridget,
How are you hanging in there this week? Hope there is not post-vacation depression happening.  I have been better.  I have a head cold and just feel extremely out of it all day. So far this winter transition isn’t my friend and it hasn’t even gotten bad yet. 
One rough spot for me this season is my wardrobe.  It’s like an inkling of cold has arrived and I completely forgot how to dress appropriately.  Yes, it gets cold in New York, however you just dress warmer – it doesn’t fully change your wardrobe.   For work I wore the same outfits as always just with tights and a cardigan, going out was pretty much the same but with a coat.  Not here…people fully embrace it almost as if it’s a theme for their wardrobe. It’s like a 10-piece outfit here, I can’t keep up.
Example: I went to Ikea this week with my biz cas attire so I looked like I was on my lunch break (probably didn’t help that I did have lunch there. Swedish meatballs I don’t recommend) while my girlfriends looked casual cozy (flannel, leggings, boots, probably a pull over Patagonia, I don’t know). 
I was jealous to say the least and the best part about it is you can get away with it – winter patterns, more wool, Sorrels, bulky cardigans, more Patagonia – you get my drift.  If I wore something like that to work or out in New York, my coworkers and friends would without a doubt be making fun of me all day.  I mean my old born and raised in the Bronx coworker saw a picture of me hiking and asked why I was pretending to be “all outdoorsy and hiking and shit”. I want to be casual-cabin-cozy-Utah with a twist and I am excited to do so. So watch out, Wasatch Front. I’m here,  in my brassiere, and I have no fear (when it comes to fashion. Otherwise that whole brassiere thing is totally out of context).
I guess I’m on this fashion tangent becuase I’m stuck in my bed in my freezing house, and thinking about sorrels and patagonias are making me feel warm. Also, the bulkier my clothes and stretchier my leggings, the more excuse I have to skip the gym.  
Freezing while laying in a bed of tissues,


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Wellst, at least my house is clean. Fa Real.

Hey Bianca,

Greetings from HELL. My classroom is 112 degrees. Fa real, the thermometer says so. I don’t know if it was a short in the heating/cooling system or a sign that work = Hades, but geezy chreezy… if it doesn’t get fixed soon I’m going to be sauna-ed down to 90 pounds. (Hmm… maybe this isn’t so bad…) I sent the children for a nice, long recess until this gets fixed (again, maybe not so bad at all…).

Weight loss aside, this sucks! I have sweat stains in my new green sweater from my fabulous Boutique Shopping Day. Boutique Shopping Day was amazing this go around. Spending money I don’t have on my wardrobe and condo was just the excuse I needed to not get caught up on homework. I bought sweaters and scarves and Halloween decorations, Oh My! It was lovely. I parked my Prius on 9th South and ventured the 9th and 9th ‘hood via foot, and thus finally got to break in my new cute boots! (Note: I’m still thinking about your comment, “Wow, Bridget, you really know YOUR style.” Was that a compliment or not? Because I still don’t know.)

I hit up Hip n’ Humple, Koo de Ker (or however the hell you spell it) and Children’s Hour. Normally, I would hit up Peach during this venture, but I had to run to a facial appointment, and justified skipping Peach because I haven’t found anything splurge-worthy the last few go rounds.

Once I got finished shopping I decided to clean and organize the new condo (which is still pretty clean and organized). I purged my closet, washed my sheets, cleaned out the fridge, and did ALL my laundry.  Just when I was looking for something else to do Algebra chirped in, “Are you being hyper-productive so you don’t have to do homework?” Dude.
I didn’t even realize I was doing it. I was doing tasks that I put off for MONTHS just so I didn’t have to get caught up on grad school. Totally subconscious (or not).

Wow. Turns out to do stuff you really hate doing, all you have to do is find something you hate worse.

In any event, SO HAPPY SLCinNYC is officially SLCinSLC! Not only is she more fun than {insert something really fun, like REALLY fun}, she’s also my gluten free soulmate and spirit guide (she’s been doing it longer). I love when we drunkenly dissect gluten free food whilst downing beer. {Sigh!} Has she purchased a vehicle yet? Because this would be the perfect time for Prius Propaganda… just sayin’.

Wellst, obviously I gotta be gettin back to work, homegirl,

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Seasons of Love (or lack thereof)

Greetings from my pea coat.

I am enjoying this rainy day. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still clinically depressed about the end of warm weather, but these clouds match my mood. I just want to snuggle up with Snowball and finish my book (my beach read, ironically). It would be better if it was a more tempestuous storm, but I’ll take it.

I got in an argument with QDW yesterday about the Seasons. All seasons have their pros and cons, and I’m generally a fan of the earth regardless of it’s proximity to the sun, but of all the seasons, Autumn is the least awesome. Here’s why… The activities are so limited. The weather is so unpredictable that you can never plan to do something outside, it’s main holiday requires binge eating, and most glaring of all, pools are closed and ski resorts aren’t open yet. It’s the season between the seasons.

Spring is ideal because of the anticipation for summer, and who doesn’t love a giant bunny who hides eggs? I love Winter for it’s warm and cozy good memories, and don’t even get me started on Summer. Summer = Perfection. But Fall? Meh. It’s kind of like the movie, The Blindside. I can’t figure out why people like it so much. I do however appreciate fall clothes. Any time I can wear leggings instead of jeans is alright with me. So I’m going to chalk up the leaves turning to just that. Leggings.

(I’d like to point out that the lack of activities I have available now that it’s fall has reduced my e-mail topics to talking about a lack of activities.)

Happy first day of twenty middle! How was your real birthday last night? I thoroughly enjoyed all of the birthday festivities throughout the last two weeks. Your birthdays are always fun.

Looking forward to girls night on Thursday (injected with sting of sarcasm). I lame-ize myself, but are we really going out on a week night? I really count on 8 hours of sleep a night. Can’t we just sit on your couch and watch NBC like we always do? Can we fake sick together or will they be hip to our jive? Maybe I’ll dibs designated driver. But then again, drinking might make the evening tolerable.

I’m a little cynical today as I’m sure you’ve gathered. I’m just not in the mood for sunshine and rainbows (since there is neither sunshine nor rainbows outside my window (literally and figuratively)). I hope you appreciate my lack of enthusiasm. I know I’m enjoying it.

Where’s my tail…


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Almost Twenty Middle and Almost Loving It

Oh Hey Hey Bianca!

I’m so glad you got a day off to actually enjoy the hot flash mother
nature is most certainly having! Al Gore must be freaking out right
now. I mean, I’m sure he was happy that he was right about global
warming and all, but that means… HE WAS RIGHT ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING
AND ALL and if more people don’t take notice and start driving our
globally friendly vehicles… we’re all gonna die! {Sigh}.

I haven’t been able to enjoy the heat. Like you said, the Vanderbilt
pool closed over a month ago and mostly this is just inconvenient for
my wardrobe. Tomorrow is October which means I should have my new
fall boots broken in by now. Yet they are still in their box,
Bianca! Burnt orange and cayenne red just don’t feel right when it’s
90 freaking degrees outside!

The temp has also been a great excuse for me not to run. It’s right up
there with: “I did it once, I can do it again.” “My birthday is in x
days.” And, “but I need to sleep in if I’m going to run.” And then
repeat, “It’s too hot out…”

Whatever. I did it once, I can do it again (just dreadfully slow this time).

My twenty middle birthday is on Monday. And last week, I was so stoked about turning twenty middle! You threw me an incredible birthday theme party, complete with Guidos, Guidettes and a two day hangover. What’s
not to love? I’ll tell you, what’s not to love, Bianca. I woke up
(albeit hungover as the day after my 21st birthday) and looked in the
mirror and what did I see… CROWS FEET WRINKLES AND SADDLEBAGriffic
THIGHS. Whoa!!! Where the hell did that come from? I swear, I didn’t
have wrinkles before we celebrated my god damn birthday… Oh, and the
hangover, lasted 2 days, not quite the recovery time of a 21 year old.

Meh. Again, whatever. I’m happy, I’m healthy and I have an awesome
life with wonderful friends and family. Algebra is great, too! He’s
been doing “birthday week” surprises all week! I’m loving it! I’ve had
my car cleaned and waxed, a cute picture framed of the two of us and a
neat-o wi-fi thingy for my TV. Woot! Plus, everything has come wrapped
in cute wrapping paper and CAMOUFLAGE DUCT TAPE… ha! Who knew.

I hope you’re having a happy Thursday! I can’t wait to see you on my
couch for girl’s night (aka watch awesome TV and gorge on ice cream).
I have a couch now, so it won’t be a floor night.

Researching Botox,

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