Tag Archives: Real Housewives


Hello Bianca and Bailey!

Holy sh*t! We actually managed to hang out and play this weekend! Even though it was a disaster of epic proportions, I’m still so glad I got to go through the epic disaster with you two lovely ladies!

Friday night the roommate invited me up to a party at Sundance. After swearing I would never go to a Sundance anything ever again, I, of course, immediately accepted. I mean we had our names on the list at Tao, how bad could it be? The answer: Very not bad. Pretty awesome, actually. Free booze, free hotel room, free patagonia coat and quasi celebrity sightings.

In any event, being in Tao made me feel like I had been transported to Vegas with all the dancing and celebrity(ish) sightings, but I was quickly reminded where I was when at 2:00am we were shoved to the streets. It started snowing like crazy. No one could catch a cab. Pure Insanity. Lucky for me, roommate had a driver arranged for the evening, so she made a call and we were safely escorted to our hotel (after we stopped for gas station burritos, ew, damn you free booze!).

Above you’ll see a picture of that one guy from those one movies we don’t really remember the names of because they sucked even when we were teenagers. Why the grumpiness, you ask? He was a douche. Whatever, dude, you’re not that cool. Infact, you’re not cool at all and acting like you are is embarrasing. For you.

Saturday night I was so stoked you guys braved coming out with Algebra and his cousin’s. The drink specials at Johnny’s on 2nd are horrifying. $4 for a shot and a beer. No wonder the night was ridiculous. People threatening to kill other people, two beer steins and countless shot glasses shattered, my attempting to drag a 200 pound dude out of a bar, MY PRIUS GETTING PUNCHED AND DENTED and then you two walking all the way to my condo.

I can’t believe it all happened in one night. INSANE. Needless to say, after this weekend I’m never drinking again, babysitting drunks or going to a bar EVER EVER EVER AGAIN. EVER.

In other news, Algebra’s band, King Niko is playing at Sundance on Saturday. They’ll be at The House of Blues (aka Star Bar during not Sundance) at 1:30 in the afternoon. Who wants to go up with me and get a little day drunk? You and you? Perfect.

Still wondering how we survived,

PS: I set my DVR to record the reunion episode of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Even though I haven’t watched one episode, I’m so stoked to see the reunion show with you gals on Thursday! Woot woot!


Filed under Bridget